Playing tennis is a great way to meet people with common interests, have about an hour of physical activity and have a few laughs. Most of the tennis players in SLCCV  learned to play tennis after retiring  and moving here. The club supports the addition of new  players by offering lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:00 and fun roundrobbins on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  Players of all abilities  from beginners to advanced players can find the right play in SLCCV. 

In addition, the tennis club sponsors several activities - both social events and tournaments.  The annual Tennis Ball is one of the best attended dances at SLCCV.  Club membership is well worth the $5.00 per person annual membership fee for all the fun and friendship received through play and participation in the club activities.
Tennis Club officers

Never played Tennis or it has been a long time since you did?  Click here for information about getting into the game

Rules regarding tennis play at SLCCV

Q&A Clarification of Rules

Tennis Club By-Laws

A listing of Tennis Club activities for the year.
The Racqueteers
The annual Ten Week Tournament
As of March 9, 2018