March 30, 2014
"As President of the New England Club, I would like to acknowledge Gerrie Purcell and thank her for her hard work in organizing and running the Square Dance for Treasure Coast Hospice of St. Lucie County.  This is the 7th Square Dance she has run on behalf of the New England Club and the success of all of them – including this past dance – has been PHENOMENAL!  Not including this most recent dance, we have raised $8000 for Hospice.  So far, for this dance, we have raised $1557, plus donations from other Clubs, which brings the total to over $2000 and counting.  The exact amount will be announced by Gerrie when the tally is complete. 

Gerrie is one of our Club’s “Unsung Heroes” and she continues to confirm the reason why.  I also want to thank all our members for their efforts in helping Gerrie make the dance the success it was, particularly Nan and Bill McCurdy for running the Silent auction.  Thank you Gerrie, thank you New England Club members, and thank all who attended the New England Club Square Dance for
Treasure Coast Hospice."
Judy Rudine, President of New England Club
Above a scene of the dance floor of the SLCCV Auditorium.  Under the expert direction of our caller,Gib Mattson, most did well but every one enjoyed including those who watched.
Above, left to right, Gerrie Purcell, Jennifer Ferrari, representing Treasure Coast Hospice and Judy Rudine, NE Club President.
Those attending were treated to home made cookies and coffee.  Cookies remaining were sold and returns were added to the gift to Treasure Coast Hospice. 
The table above was covered with many gifts that were contributed to the Silent Auction.